W.I.N.G.S. After School Program
Learn in a safe, secure on-campus environment
Our After-School Program allows students to participate in a variety of activities in a safe, secure on-campus environment from the end of the school day until 6:00 pm at each of our four schools, the hours when studies show kids are most susceptible to negative influences. The program provides children with a balanced curriculum in which they have an opportunity to do their homework, participate in healthy recreation, learn new skills, and continue to build character through enrichment clubs and activities. Titled WINGS, an acronym for Wonder • Inspire • Nurture • Grow • Succeed, students have the opportunity to do just that! Our WINGS program is designed to inspire passion and creativity in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM), Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA), and a wide variety of sports. We know that completing homework at home is difficult to manage around busy family schedules so we also provide designated homework time where our group leaders assist students with assignments, ensuring access to the technology needed for any web-based assignments.
An after-school snack is provided daily. All students are also offered Supper free of charge every day at 4:30 pm. See attached notice about the Supper Program.
Students have the chance to discover new interests in STEM & VAPA or dive deeper into those they already enjoy! WINGS students have discovered that they enjoy activities such as singing, playing the violin, creating nutritious snacks, programming tiny pint-sized robots, creating using Lego Robotics and engineering with 3D pens. There are opportunities to join STEM competition teams such as Cyber Patriots (5th & 6th grade).
We understand that many students are unable to participate in organized sports due to cost, transportation, or time. We have instruction and skill development in a variety of sports such as basketball, soccer, volleyball, kickball, etc. Each school site will create a team to compete in intramural sports between all four of our Savanna schools.
The WINGS programs helps create an equitable, safe learning environment that provides a safe space after school for all the students in our community. The goal of the district is that our students’ learning will be enhanced with added support after school and their lives will be enriched as they are offered experiences that were previously out of reach. Taught by our own Savanna staff, along with community partners, students have opportunities to participate in club-like activities in STEM, VAPA, Sports, as well as on topics such as cultures, careers, and the great outdoors.
Registration for the WINGS After School Program is open to any current Savanna School District student in Transitional Kindergarten through Sixth Grade. Space is limited.
Click here for a copy of our Expanded Learning Opportunities Program Plan.
Mrs. Phoenix Pineda
About our W.I.N.G.S. Coordinator
Mrs. Pineda is the Expanded Learning Opportunity Program (ELOP) Coordinator for the Savanna School District. With twenty years of experience as a teacher and administrator in Savanna, she has taught fifth and sixth grades at Reid School, served five years as a Teacher on Special Assignment, and worked as an Interim Principal. She was appointed ELOP Coordinator in 2022-23, launching the inaugural WINGS program, and has been dedicated to its success ever since.
Throughout her career, Mrs. Pineda has taken on numerous roles, including BTSA support provider, Thinking Maps and Write From the Beginning trainer, and sixth-grade teacher liaison between Savanna and the Anaheim Union High School District. She piloted the use of iPads and student response systems in her classroom and supported other teachers in integrating these technologies. She has played a key role in expanding the iPad and Chrome Book programs, designing and implementing professional development programs (both in-person and through distance learning), and leading the ELPAC Team. Her contributions were recognized in 2014 when she became the first recipient of the Savanna School District’s Teacher of the Year award.
Mrs. Pineda holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology and a Multiple Subject Teaching Credential from California State University, Fullerton, as well as a Master’s Degree in STEM Learning for Kindergarten through Eighth Grade from Walden University. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her husband and three sons, camping, hiking, going to the beach, and traveling.