Before and After School Day Care

Before and after school child care programs are available at all four of our school sites. Programs open at 6:30 a.m. for before school child care and are open until 6:00 p.m. on school evenings. All programs are open on most days that school is not in session. Before and after child care programs are provided by Catalyst Kids.  These programs provide safe and enriching environments and are designed to meet the social, physical, cognitive and academic needs of children in kindergarten through sixth grade. Children are provided with homework help and access to educational materials in all of our before and after school child care programs. Each of the programs offer a variety of indoor and outdoor activities. All of the activities are hands-on and encourage children to build new skills while fostering creativity and self-expression.

New for 2022-23, we will offer an after school program, titled WINGS, on days that school is in session from dismissal until 6:00 pm.  Please see our website at for more information.