Hansen School's Annual Report Card


Hansen School is in the Savanna School District which encompasses parts of the cities of Anaheim, Buena Park, Cypress and Stanton. Approximately 725 students attend Hansen School. Providing a learning environment and a strong academic program that focuses on reading, writing, and mathematics is the primary goal of the Hansen School staff. 

Our reading program provides a balanced approach with integration of phonics and literature throughout all grade levels. Our writing program provides students with a systematic structure for learning writing skills as well as regular writing assignments appropriate at each grade level. Math concepts and skills taught reflect those identified in the district and state standards. History/social science, science, health, physical education, music and art are integral parts of the educational program at Hansen School. 

We are extremely proud of our use of technology in the instructional program. Each classroom is equipped with an LCD or DLP projector and a teacher laptop connected to our wireless server, providing teachers with access to technological tools to use in the instructional program. 

Click on the link below to view the School Accountability Report Card for Hansen School.

2024-25 School Accountability Report Card (English Version)

2024-25 School Accountability Report Card (Spanish Version)

A written copy of this report may be obtained from the school office upon request.